The breast cancer journey can be overwhelming

You don't have to navigate it alone

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis affects every woman differently.

One of the most common fears associated with receiving a cancer diagnosis is the fear of death and dying. Navigating this fear and facing different outcomes can feel terrifying and destabilizing.

Therapy can help

Support therapy is for anyone:

  • Feeling overwhelmed or uncertain after a recent diagnosis of breast cancer.

  • In treatment wishing for support handling the emotional challenges specific to navigating their breast cancer journey.

  • Who is a breast cancer survivor in need of a safe space to process the experience they've had and begin their odyssey forward.

  • Looking to feel empowered and in charge of their diagnosis.

What should I expect?

Cancer treatment can feel like a journey of endless medical appointments. It inevitably turns into a full-time job.

Meanwhile, outside of this reality, other parts of your life and relationships become interrupted. Financial loss, altered relationships, inability to care for loved ones and decreased energy levels for daily routines can be challenging to accept and navigate.

The primary goals of therapy are

    • To help you feel confident in the decisions you are making about your body, treatment and care.
    • To give you a sense of resiliency throughout your journey.
    • To provide a safe space for you to process the emotional aspect of your cancer journey, allowing you to release the weight of it all.

Sessions will be guided by your needs and will vary week to week as your circumstances change.

I was 38 when I received a diagnosis of stage 2 breast cancer.

I remember leaving the hospital with my godmother, not yet fully aware of the meaning of the diagnosis. I arrived home in time to celebrate with my son and mom, who share a birthday. My son turned 3 that day.

A breast cancer diagnosis affects every woman differently. For some it is terrifying. For others it is an opportunity to pause and reflect about life, values, priorities and well-being.

In my experience there is an abundance of support to help navigate the medical aspects of cancer treatment, but it is emotionally lonely and isolating. It can feel like one minute you are holding yourself together, and the next, you are breaking down; feeling overwhelmed by emotions and information after speaking with an oncologist, or leaving an invasive procedure.

If there is one thing that stands out when I reflect on my journey with breast cancer, it's the support network of people, including my therapist, who were able to hold space for my emotional and existential experience. This is what allowed me to feel hope, faith, strength, and reassurance to carry me through to the final stages of treatment and beyond.

Now that I am through Cancer treatment and life has returned to a new normal (my life did change in very big ways), I feel deeply called to create a service to other women facing a breast cancer diagnosis, or who have survived it and want to process the experience. My role is to be an emotional support for you as you navigate the breast cancer experience of diagnosis and treatment.

As an experienced therapist, as well as, a woman who has been through this journey, I will sit with you and support you to navigate the feelings and questions that you face during this time. You don't have to do it alone.

Breast Cancer Therapy

How long does Breast Cancer Therapy take?

For patients currently in treatment I recommend you attend sessions as frequently as is comfortable for you. Each week of your journey can bring new and evolving emotions and challenges and addressing them early is usually best. Sessions are guided by where you are in your treatment and meeting your most pressing needs.

For clients who are survivors I generally suggest a plan of 9-12 sessions, which may become further apart as we near the end. While sessions are always guided to meet your current needs, at this stage we focus more on navigating your return to the "normal" world. Processing your journey can take time and you may be confronted with it in moments you aren't expecting. Our sessions will give you the tools to handle these moments without feeling overwhelm or isolation.

Ultimately, it depends on you and your goals. For some, 9-12 sessions may feel substantial. Others may choose to attend for months or longer.

Do I need a referral?

No. You do not need a referral. Please contact me to make an appointment.

What equipment do I need to do online therapy?

~ A secure internet connection

~ A private space where you can shut the door

~ Ear phones

~ ipad, laptop, desktop, and if this is not possible, a phone.

How long will I wait to have an appointment?

It will usually take 1-2 weeks before you can meet with me. If you need help or you in a crisis, please contact:

~ Toronto Distress Centres: 416 408-4357 or 408-HELP

~ Gerstein Centre: 416 929-5200

~ Assaulted Women's Helpline: 416 863-0511; Toll-free: 1 866 863-0511

~ Kids Help Phone: 1 800 668-6868

~ Police 911 

Is therapy covered by insurance?

Psychotherapy services provided by private practitioners is not covered by OHIP but I encourage you to inquire about coverage with your extended health care plan.

What credentials do you have?

I have a Masters of Education in Counselling and I am a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists.

How long are sessions and what is the cost?

Sessions are 50 min long. In the case that you would like a longer session, you can book an 80 min session.

$125 - 50 min individual session

$150 - 80 min individual session

$75 - per hour for letters, forms, legal documents.

What happens during the free 15 min consultation?

We will discuss your reason(s) for entering therapy, and your goals. During this conversation you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions about therapy or my approach. This will give you a clear idea if we are a good fit for each other.

If we decide that therapy with me will continue and you decide to proceed with psychotherapy services, our first session will involve:

~ Record personal info about family, culture, social background

~ Review, discuss and sign informed consent and confidentiality

~ Record emergency contact(s)

~ Discuss policies about cancellation, lateness, and social media

~ Clarify your hopes or goal for therapy

How do I get started?

Call 647-884-1834 me for your free 15 min Consultation to see if we are good fit.

What does a typical 50 min session look like?


 ~ Check-in (how are you? How has the past week been?)


 ~ Talk in more detail about the most important issue that relates to your goal, and we may include trying activities such as art, play, mindfulness, or somatic techniques to help you express yourself, to ground yourself, or gain better understanding of the issue and yourself.


 ~ Check-out (how did today’s session go? What will you remember that will be useful from today’s session)


~ Personal Project: Practice tool/strategy during the week to help create change and to successfully support you in achieving your goal.

Use the green book appointment button on the top right of the page to book your appointment today.

Book A Session Now →

What happens if I can't make my therapy session?

Please know that your session time has been reserved especially for you. Therefore, you are required to provide 24 hr. notice to cancel an appointment. Otherwise, you will be charged for full amount of the session.

Is our conversation private?

Yes, what we discuss in our sessions is private and confidential. But, please note there are a few limitations to our privacy:

~ If I suspect a child or youth under the age of 16 has been or is at risk of abuse or neglect, it is my legal duty to report this to the police or Children’s Aid Society.


~ If I have concerns that a client is at risk for suicide or they want to harm themselves or others, I have to disclose this information to either a supportive and trustworthy adult, or the police.

~ If I am subpoenaed by a court of law, I am obligated to share the information from the client’s file to the court.

I take privacy very seriously, so please know that in order to share any information discussed in our session, I need your written permission.

Breast cancer is scary, but you are not alone

If you are interested in support while navigating your breast cancer journey I invite you to book a free 15-minute consultation. During this consultation, we can see if we are a good fit for each other.

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